continues to inspire and be brave


Malala continues to inspire!!!


Malala made her voice heard by speaking out against to the taliban   for equal  rights. Although the taliban did not like people speaking out for people’s rights she kept doing it but  she has to  be cautious because she has already gotten one death threat for speaking out but still that did not stop her for instance  she won  the 2014 nobel peace when she was 17 years old I think that shows courage and inspiration And 3 years later she still continues to inspire and speak out against the taliban and encourages people to be brave and never give up!Image result for malala holding the nobel peace prize 2014Malala holding the 2014 nobel peace prize

Can she make a change? Can she make a difference?


Why is education so important to Malala?  Malala’s parents named her after someone who spoke out against terrorism and was killed.   Some reasons why education is so important to Malala are that,  She believes she can make a difference in Pakistan and in Swat.   “Maybe we can be the great ones tomorrow” notably “in a country where so many people consider it a waste to send girls to school”.   A teacher is someone who helps you believe in and pursue your dreams.  This is why education is so important not just to Malala, but to her dad and the other boys and girls in Pakistan.

Malala stated, “When the whole world is SILENT one voice becomes POWERFUl.” -Malala Yousafzai

Here are some of the fameous quotes that Malala said.”They tryed to bury us but they didn’t know we were seeds.”-Malala Yousafzai

Image result for famous quotes from malala

“With Guns you can kill terrorists,with education you can kill terrorism.”-Malala Yousafzai

“We relize the importance of our voice when we are silenced.”-Malala Yousafzai

“One child, one teacher,one book and one pen can change the world.”

That’s just a few of the inspiring quotes from Malala Yousafzai.Oh by the way the left side of her face is paralyzed but that did not stop her from makeing a Difference!

Sharon Drapers writing

I like her decisions when she wrote out of my mind

It hooked me because when the doctor tried to send melody to a disabled school and melody’s mom shouted in the doctors face ‘’there is no way in heaven or h*** that i’m sending my daughter to a disabled school”. I also like how she was specific when she said”I can’t walk I can’t talk I can’t even feed myself”. she had humor when she was writing this book “I laughed so hard I farted” I like her actions when writing this book.