What it’s like in 6th grade!


What it’s like in 6th grade! By Kaylon Bennett

What is it like in 6th grade some of you might be wondering? 6th grade is the grade where you finally get more freedom well i’m sure some of you are thanking yay and the others are thinking well everybody else says that it is the worst grade ever. That’s where they are wrong yes 6th grade is hard because you have to remember your class order and your teachers names but that’s the easy part.
One piece of advice that I have for the future 6th graders to always do your best to pass your classes because it determines if you go to the 7th grade or not which I’m sure most of you want to go to the 7th grade.
And another piece of advice is to not get on the teacher’s bad side especially the band directors because they will take your instrument away and if they do that you won’t get to go to splash kingdom at the end of the year and that also depends on if you are passing all of your classes which is hard.
And some more advice for when you get into 6th grade is to not pull pranks on people because I learned the hard way because I super glued someone’s locker shut and I had to clean it off and it was hard.


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